Apple Butternut Squash Soup


A quick and easy pressure cooker recipe packed with nutrients that will fill your house with a beautiful aroma.

When you think of soup, what comes to mind? Likely a cozy memory of a warm bowl, comforting and flavorful. Today I am going to show you how to make Apple Butternut Squash soup, it is one of my favorite winter foods and it’s so easy! The best part is that because this soup is homemade, we can ensure it’s packed full of nutrients and no additional additives that you might find in a can.

It wasn’t until recently that I decided to learn how to make my own soup...

If you live near Panera, chances are you’ve heard of or tried their Autumn Squash soup. I was at Costco one evening when I saw a big container of precut cubes of butternut squash and got the idea to try to recreate this at home.

I have a Ninja Foodi pressure cooker and since moving into our new home, I decided I need to start using it more this year in ways I haven’t before. Soup seems like the perfect new adventure to meet this goal, especially with how cold and snowy it’s been here in Colorado.

Since everyone has a personal preference, let’s talk about modifications…

I think the best part about this Apple Butternut Squash soup is that you can omit or double up on certain ingredients to change the flavor from sweet to savory depending on your personal preference. I personally like a sweet and creamy soup, so I double my apples and usually add some brown sugar. If you want a more savory soup perhaps you skip the brown sugar and add more pepper, garlic, or shallots.

Here are the ingredients I decided to use for this batch:

Preparation is super easy and as you probably already know pressure cookers make cooking super-fast so if you are low on time this one’s for you.

Check out this video to see just how easy it is!

Your house will begin to fill with a beautiful aroma that is both nutty and sweet as you wait for the soup to cook. If you have an emersion blender or hand mixer, you’ll want to use that when the timer is up to blend the soup, if you prefer a chunkier texture, you’re welcome to blend only lightly to ensure all the ingredients and flavors are mixed well together. I hope you enjoy your Apple Butternut Squash soup this winter season!

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  • Prep time: 15 minutes
  • Cook time: 10 minutes
  • Total time: 25 minutes
  • Serves: 6 bowls

A quick and easy pressure cooker recipe packed with nutrients that will fill your house with a beautiful aroma.



  • 1 tsp Pumpkin Spice
  • 2 tbs Brown Sugar
  • 1/2 tsp Sage
  • 4 cups Chicken Broth , I prefer low sodium
  • 2 Envy Apples
  • 6 cups Cubed Butternut Squash, I buy mind pre cubed at Costco
  • 1 clove Garlic
  • 1/2 Shallot , diced
  • Sprinkle Salt and Pepper



  • 1)

    Prepare all ingredients in the required servings, ensuring your apples are diced, squash is cubed, garlic and shallot are cut.

  • 2)

    Grab your pressure cooker, add all the ingredients together, mix and secure the lid. Set the pressure cooker to High for 10 minutes on sealed to allow steam to build up.

  • 3)

    When the 10 minutes is up, vent the pressure cooker. Once vented open the lid and use an emersion blender or hand mixer to blend the soup.

  • 4)

    Serve warm and enjoy!

    Freeze leftovers for up to 6 months

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